ECM | Never Waste Time Looking For The Right Document Again


Never Waste Time Looking For The Right Document By Using The Best Information Management Tool: M-Files

Are you tired of wasting time looking for documents you need?


Your business moves quickly. When you need a document you don’t want to spend hours searching through content silos to find the information you need-especially if you need multiple documents.

Tell me if this sounds familiar.

You start a project and realise you need some documents. You look in the folders scattered on your desktop, in email, the network drive and cloud storage and end up losing hours searching for the documents you need.

Or worse.

You find the document but it’s behind an access wall, and the person with the clearance you need isn’t available. What do you do?


If you are using traditional information management systems, this is more of a problem than you like to admit. 

So why haven’t you switched to a new system? 

When asked this, most companies explain they:

  1. Didn’t know solutions were available

  2. Didn’t know the available solutions were affordable

  3. Didn’t realise there was one solution so easy to use they could instantly integrate it into their day-to-day

Thankfully, there is a solution-one that is so easy to use you can instantly implement it and start seeing results right away. What is it?


What Is M-Files

On the surface, M-Files is an ECM.

What is an ECM? It is an Enterprise Content Management system. They are the more robust grown-up cousins to traditional systems.


What sets them apart is that they are built to be tailored to an enterprise’s specific needs. That means instead of getting a system you plug your content into, the ECM adapts to your document needs and erects a system around it.

M-Files is a metadata based, repository neutral, intelligent acting solution companies can enlist to quickly and safely find the content they want-right away. 

How does it work?


M-Files manages information by "what" it is versus "where" it's stored. No more guessing where to store a document, just tag it and relate it to other important business objects, such as customer, project, case and so on. 

The Missing Keys Example

M-files searches for content you need based on what the data you are searching for is in place of where it’s stored.

To understand how it works, imagine you lost your keys in your house.

Your house has ten rooms. Traditional content management systems would require you to go room to room to search for your keys. 

The old system could tell you if the keys were in the room you searched, but not what room had your keys. Worse still, the old system does not help you with managing duplicates or old redundant keys laying around causing clutter. 

This is where you waste your time. If you have multiple silos of content, you could waste hours searching through each one before finally landing on the right one.


If you need multiple documents and search in a random order, you can waste even more time.
Using M-files you would immediately know both:

  1. The exact room your keys are in

  2. Where in the room the keys are

So how does this help you?

How M-Files Information Management Helps Your Business

Your company is larger than most businesses.

This places unique demand for specific needs on your business-like content management.

For your company to get and keep the edge-both over your rivals and startups-you need your team to respond in real time. Traditional content management systems keep you from doing that.

Every hour you waste looking for documents is another hour your competitor looks better. 

Take back the edge, succeed at the speed of demand, and get ahead of the competition by using M-Files.

Discover 3 Key Reasons M-Files Is The Best ECM Tool Available

You want to know why M-Files is the best option available on the market today?

Then you are going to want to check out our next article. In it we share the top three things our clients rave about when they switch over to M-Files.

By - Matthew Heinrich - Senior ECM Consultant at Advance


ECM | The 3 Reasons Why Clients Choose M-Files


M-Files 2018 – New Features and Enhancements Summary