Top Data & BI Trends 2023 Event - Recap
Jeremy Sim from Qlik delivered an exciting talk about trends impacting data and business intelligence from a global perspective, and our Q&A session provided an opportunity to dive a little deeper and discuss artificial intelligence and the impact this is already having on our roles.
We were also treated to a gin tasting from the team at Prohibition Liquor Co.
You can access the report here.
What our customers are saying.
“Our daily reporting is a critical element, but it was very manual because we would have staff producing multiple spreadsheets.
We were able to deliver reasonable levels of data, but we were taking a lot of time and a lot of labor to do it.”
1834 Hotels - Andrew Bullock - Accurate data delivers 1834 Hotels a competitive edge with Qlik
We are experienced business intelligence experts.
Do you want to know how to leverage your data to make better decisions? We can help.
Below are some valuable resources. If you want to know more or discuss how we can assist you in connecting all of your data and business and how to create powerful reports and actionable dashboards, get in touch. Our friendly team will contact you today.